Have you ever considered using live online webinar/conferencing technology?
There a literally hundreds if not thousands of professions that could use this technology.
Schools and Universities.
Professional sales training for team members all over the country or world.
Professional consultations with prospects and clients.
Online live training for clients in any field you can imagine.
And that’s just a couple of ideas of the top of my head.
To get an even better idea of what this live conferencing system can do for you and your needs there is an excellent live presentation and question time using the exact same system tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s call on Saturday October 2nd at 11am Eastern (USA Time) is going to be HUGE!!!! >>>CLICK HERE at that time<<<
I fully expect to have 500 people or more there so you better make sure you get in early!!
Another thing to consider before I go.
Maybe you don’t have a need for a system like this, but do YOU know someone that might???
If so then YOU could make some extra money by simply becoming a member and introducing it to people you know that CAN use a system like this.
More about that in the call tomorrow.
Have a fantastic weekend, see you on the call tomorrow and don’t forget to CLICK HERE for access.
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